Tuesday 16 May 2023

Autumn in Australia

 Autumn in Australia,

Crisp Air, Windy Sunny and Beautiful

Autumn is my favourite time in Australia, the colours are amazing, that time just before winter when you are still able to go for a bush walk without a jacket.

The trees are changing many loose their leaves and fall into your gutters and downpipes. Autumn is a time to clean around your home before winter comes around.

Remove leaves and debris from your property to prevent slips on your driveways walkways.  

Clean out your gutters and downpipes and install Leafsmart Gutter Guard to prevent birds and vermin moving in for the Winter, They want to keep warm just like us, make sure its not in your roof.

Monday 16 March 2020

leafsmart and managing recent covid-19 risk


At Leafsmart we are implementing a non contact service if wanted or required, send us an email request in the online application and we will carry that request out.

In many past instances we have not required to see our customers in person and do not need to in order to serve your needs for Gutter Guard Protection Installation.
Now to give you the best of our service during these worrying time we can do this for you.

We are able quote your home, send your quote to you online, ( just make sure any animals are locked away) Whether you are home or not no contact needs to happen, 

When you are happy with the quote, we install our top rated product, pictures are taken and sent via email and payment is carried out on line also through banking or visa by phone. 

No personal contact occurs and everyone has peace of mind. Rest assured service to our valued customers is very important to all of our Leafsmart Team.

We are dedicated to our customers and put your needs first at LEAFSMART Gutter Guard.

Keeping Healthy and Happy

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Climate Change is the real cause Corruption and Greed?

Over 79 days of  Uncontrollable Bushfire Annihilation in Australia 2019-2020. 

This one is for the History books. At best we learn from this.

A tragedy of this magnitude has never happened in Australia before. There is no denying climate change now. It is very real and those that still deny its reality, are looked at incredulously by the majority.

The Australian News channels over the last few months have painted the devastation in unforgettable Colours.
The obliteration of native animals, livestock, vegetation, homes and lives is soul destroying. The Fire Fighters, our Fire Fighters are heroes there is no doubt, to have the calling to protect others, putting their own lives at risk for the past 79 days is the personification of selflessness.
And all the volunteers with the purposeful generosity and caring showered to those in need, increasing our faith in humanity, was well captured and broadcasted, Thank you to the Australian NEWS reporters again, for informing, on the horrific Australian fires to far reacting places world wide, and bringing a much needed change in all our thinking.

The Aussie spirit can get lost in everyday life, and we may think times have changed, and a hardness in our personality grows, then something like this brings the entire country together, and we know that the Aussie spirit was always there.

The magnitude of the country's desolation in these areas too many to mention here, is something we have never seen before, and the unspeakable image that is etched in my mind forever, of a disfigured, burnt and bleeding Kola screeching in pain, seeing that short video picture, I have no words to describe how it changed me.

see link attached for more information


I think some of the leaders of this country do need to be held accountable for their actions. For the most part it is easy, for these Men and Women to hide behind, a relatively anonymous vote of acceptance, to pass a bill through that is destructive for our environment.
But to be held accountable for that vote, and to be accountable for the Bill that was passed. I believe this, will increase the moral compass of the leaders of our country, and therefore increase the likelihood of these same Men and Women leaders, into voting ethically and correctly, for the good of the LAND and its PEOPLE in the future,
We cannot rely on the goodness of people in Parliament to be ethical, for most, they did not get where they are by being kind to each other.

educate yourself through;

Local council
Fire Stations
Online searches
keep updated with what's happening in the world.


Keep safe


Sunday 4 August 2019

Fire Season 2019-2020

The Fire Season has come 2 Months🔥🔥 Early to NSW....🔥

2 Reasons Why :
1.The lack of adequate rainfall this first half of 2019 and 
2. Dominating unusually warm dry conditions, making perfect fire conditions.

It is especially worrying as there doesn't seem to be any indication this will change anytime soon.

So what to do?

Local Fire Stations have opened their doors for an Early Fire Protection Plan information days, Contact them via email or phone for help or arrange for a professional to come out and look at your property for an assessment.

Commonsense things you can do now; 
Clear the immediate area around your house from branches and dead trees anything that is a fire hazard. Make sure your exit area to your home is clear for an easy escape.

Decide on a Family Fire plan, you need to have one to keep your family safe and be organised in an emergency.
If you have more than a few acres make sure you have two clear exits from your property if you can.

Have an exit plan for your animals.

Don't forget your Roof,!!  Remember Fire Embers can travel up to 5 kms through the air and land in your Roof Gutters, If your Gutters are not free from debris such as leaves, twigs then it is a Fire Hazard. When a fire starts here, by the time you notice, it is too late. Install a fire rated Gutter Guard.

click on the link for more information on gutter guards.


Thursday 30 May 2019

Windy Weather

Falling Leaves 

While there is nothing more beautiful seeing leaves turning from green to orange to yellow in your neighbourhood ... leaves filling up Gutters and Driveways is an issue.
Blocked Gutters effect Rain Collection, causing overflowing Gutters and creating hazards such as  Water Corrosion and leaking Roofs in the Colder months.

Driveways become Slippery because of wet leaves and has caused many injuries when not Kept Clear.

To Do List for the Colder Months:
  • Clean out Gutters.
  • Clear Driveways of leaves, twigs and branches
  • Install a quality Gutter Guard
  • As the weather is very windy, make sure your Gutter Guard is a Steel Gutter Guard as twigs and branches from trees will pierce anything that is not strong enough so cheap imported product will not last in these conditions. 

Sunday 21 October 2018

Storm Season has started Early this Year.

Storm Season is Here.

Check rain water is directed away from your homes foundations, 

Leaks are repaired and Gutters are clear and not overflowing. 
Overflowing gutters can damage the foundations of your home. 
When water comes into repeated contact with the foundation of a home or Building, continued water fall changes the integrity of the foundation and corrosion can result. 

Water is one of the most destructive elements in our world. Yet we also depend on it and need it. At Leafsmart we realised this and install a Gutter Guard that encourages maximum 
flow into water Tanks while keeping most of the water away from your homes foundations.

Leafsmart Gutter Guard is near you. Whether you live in Sydney, Blue Mountains, Gosford, or Newcastle we have a tradesman near you.

Have a look in our website for more information.

 Leafsmart web site

Monday 17 September 2018

Prepare for Summer Fires

NSW Rural Fire Service has a Bushfire Survival Plan Here https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-prepare/bush-fire-survival-plan

Prepare your Home


If you live in a Rural area in NSW or the Central Coast, Newcastle, Sydney or Northern beaches, this Weekend 22nd and 23rd of September Your Local Fire Department is holding information days,

Speaking to a Fire Service Professional, can put many outdated beliefs  to rest and replace with updated Practised and valuable advice.
1. Did you know a fire doesn't always travel up a hill or mountain, it can go in any direction.??

2. Did you know that a Fire Fighter will have more chance in saving a cleared home with no fire hazards, easy access and exits then a home littered with dead trees and fire hazards.

3. Did you know that if you have a Fire rated Metal Gutter Guard it can save your home from burning down because of Ember attack?

4. Did you know that Embers can travel over 5km if the conditions are prime?

5.If you have a Fire Survival plan you are way ahead. Families that wing it are more likely to loose and not just their home.

6. Did you know that more people loose their lives as they do not have a contingency plan. What happens if my one exit from the property is blocked???